Ministry: what is it?
...the guidance and government of a united community, fellowship, or brotherhood of men and women whose inward bond of union is the sense of fellowship with Jesus their Risen Lord. In other words, keeping congregational life running smoothly so that the Gospel might be shared, those in need will be served, and the people of God will be inspired to do God's work with our hands.

PROPERTY & MAINTENANCE TEAM - 3 members minimum. Members supervise the maintenance and use of church property. CURRENT TEAM - Harold Ellingboe, Andy Bristle, Mike Bristle.

All women who have affirmed their baptism (confirmed) are automatically members of the Women of the ELCA (WELCA). Currently one women's meeting is held each month on the second Wednesday at 1:30pm. Contact person is Myrna Lorentson.
Maynard WELCA is active in serving at funerals and other events, lunches at area care centers, baking cookies for area businesses. Funds raised by WELCA are disbursed to a variety of charities both local and global.
If you are unable to meet at the scheduled time and would like to have a conversation about other opportunities for women, please contact Pastor Amy.
Our churchwide WELCA organization includes Lutheran women who gather in more than 7,000 locations in the U.S. and the Caribbean, for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more! WELCA embraces all kinds of ministries that support our mission of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. There is a place for you in Women of the ELCA.

FAITH FORMATION FUNDRAISING TEAM- This team hosts fundraisers in order to provide monetary support for the development of Faith Formation ministries, activities, and events for all generations. So far, support has been given in the form of:
+scholarships for Bible Campers
+financial donation to Chris Heen (overseas missionary)
+supplies for community Vacation Bible School
+financial support for women's day trip to Green Lake Bible Camp
+rental of inflatables and providing food, games, and prizes for Rally Sunday
Ideas and helpers for fundraisers and input regarding use of funds are always needed. Team members are Holly Degner, Julie Roelofs and Shelby McNeil.

AUDITING COMMITTEE- Members review the financial accounts of the church to ensure that all standards of accounting have been upheld. Audits are done each year, prior to the annual meeting.

EDUCATION TEAM - 3 members minimum, no maximum. Members choose Sunday School curriculum, plan schedules, organize Vacation Bible School, recruit teachers and helpers, one member represents the team at Council meetings. CURRENT TEAM- Shelby McNeil, Karen Hansen, Laura Bristle.

WORSHIP TEAM - 3 members minimum. Members recruit Lectors (readers), Communion Servers, and Audio/Visual support for worship. CURRENT TEAM - Chantel Jaenisch, Laurie Schlenner and Vicky McNeil.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TEAM- Members organize and host free events throughout the community including Parent's Night Out free babysitting; Harvest Breakfast (breakfast sandwiches served to the truck as hauls are made to the elevator); and Christmas Caroling. Contact person is Cathy Bristle.

ALTAR GUILD - Members attend to the altar and chancel area (from the steps to the altar). Responsibilities include preparing Holy Communion, changing paraments (altar cloths), filling candles, decorating for festival days, hanging banners. Contact person is Evie Johnson.

USHERS- all are welcome to be a part of this team. Ushers help prepare the Sanctuary for worship. This includes lighting candles, changing hymn board numbers, turning on lights, turning on sound equipment. Ushers greet people, hand out bulletins, ring the bell, collect offering, and guide people to Holy Communion. After worship they turn off lights and sound system. Usher contacts are Steve Groothuis and Bill Beasley.

CHURCH COUNCIL - 14 members who meet monthly to conduct the business of the church. Members serve 3 year terms, 2 consecutive terms only. CURRENT EXECUTIVE TEAM - Rick Groothuis (President); Lonny Buss (Vice President); Vicky McNeil (Secretary); Brenin Molden(Treasurer).

MUSIC TEAM - 3 members minimum. Members assist the Pastor in planning worship music, recruiting special music, organizing choirs for festival days, scheduling accompanists, helping with Sunday School and Vacation Bible School music. The team makes recommendations for music and equipment to purchase. CURRENT TEAM- Karen Hansen and Karen Kleene.

MISSION ACTION TEAM - Members make quilts to be given away to various people and needs such as Green Lake Bible Camp, benefits, graduates, baptisms, Lutheran World Relief, area Care Centers, Global missions.
Members also roll bandages and collect Christian literature to be distributed overseas. Other projects are worked on as needed.
Currently quilting is held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm in the Parish Hall. Evening quilting is held the fourth Tuesday of the month from 5-8pm. All are welcome! No quilting experience necessary. Contact person is Evie Johnson.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE- Three members only, elected at the annual meeting to serve a one year term. The nominating committee recruits members to run for positions on different teams, the council, and as delegates to Synod Assembly, Green Lake Lutheran Ministries, Luther Haven, and the conference. Committee members are Gwen Jaenisch and Claire Molden. One more is needed- could it be you?

CEMETERY BOARD- This board is responsible for upkeep of the cemetery, plotting grave sites, setting plot and burial prices. Current board members are LeRoy Jaenisch, Harold Ellingboe, and Bruce Schlenner.